Out of Town Bag Post Cards

We included these self addressed and stamped postcards with our OOT bags asking our guests what their favorite part of the wedding was! We got most, if not all of the postcards back in the mail! It was really nice reading what our out of town guests had to say about the wedding!

Out of Town Bag Labels

The labels I tied the OOT bags shut with. I had used a Mickey head hole puncher to tie the ribbon onto the tag, but I didn't think for one second anyone would actually notice that...but they did!

Out of Town Newsletter

Our newsletter for our out of town bags.

Gift Tags for Thank You Gifts

Well I didn't notice the fraying of the ribbon when I took this. Oops! But just some simple thank you tags for the thank you gift bags for people helping out with our wedding.

Thank You Cards

I made thank you cards for the bridesmaids and our friend who sang at our wedding. I used my Cricut machine for 95% of the cards. I really wish I had remembered to take a picture of the cards for my bridesmaids and Matron of Honor before I gave them to them!

The Bridesmaid Tribune

Anyone who knows me knows I love a fun project!! These were just fun to put together and be able to see how far I'd come during the year and in the end they actually ended up being a keepsake for myself! I sent these to my bridesmaids at the beginning of each month just to show them what's been worked on so far and what's coming up. I also included information they would need, such as contact information and our BM Lunch we're going to have the day before the wedding. I also did a spotlight for each maid on different months so I could tell each of them who the other maids are (since they don't know each other well) and why each of them is important to me!

I created these using a Microsoft Word template.

Rehearsal Dinner Invites

Okay, I admit it. By the time we figured out where we were having our rehearsal dinner and all those details, I really just simply needed to send the invites out. So I cheated. I bought these at Joann's and just printed them out. <look of guilt>

Save The Dates

I made these using VistaPrint. Since we didn't have engagement pictures done yet, I just used our recent cruise pictures instead!


Since I had fallen in love with some invitations I found online and they only came in pink and silver, I decided to do my own recreation of the invite using my navy and silver colors with VistaPrint! The total, including samples I had sent to see how they really looked was around $125.

Personalized Napkins

I got this idea from knottie "thesaltypeanut" and "krhagen" and it sounded nice and easy to make that they were too easy NOT to take a stab at making myself! I do have to admit, I had a little trouble keeping each stamping looking sharp...but they still look nice even with my messups!
StayzOn Midnight Blue stamp pad (not pictured above..that's Dove Gray..didn't like that color) $6.74
White Party Napkins from Party City
Snowflake Stamp

Napkins - Redone!

After seeing another Knottie's bio where she had done embossing on her napkins, I decided I really wanted to give this a shot! So we redid our napkins!
I'm certainly no professional, but it did come out nicer looking than the regular stamping did at least!


Well this was a tad bit time consuming, but I had fun with it! I used my Cricut machine to cut out the navy pocket. The design from the Cricut cartridge even had the hole punch at the top, so it saved me a step of hole punching...yay! Then I'm used the Cricut again to cut out the backing pages for the program pages. Then I used glue dot strips to make the pocket fold in the front, but that turned out to not be strong enough, so I reinforced that with punching tiny holes and putting in brads to fasten them down (not pictured)...it actually turned out really nice that way! I then tied silver ribbon through the hole punches (not pictured). Then I embossed the design on the front. Voila! LOL I will hang these with ribbon from each guest's seat.

Photoshare Cards

I borrowed some of the wording from knottie "thesaltypeanut" and decided to use Smugmug.com as my photo upload location, since they allow you to pull the pics back off of their site at their original resolution! Brilliant!

Bathroom Basket Signs

I apologize, I can't remember who's bio I found this cute poem in! If it was you, please let me know!

Guest Book Sign

I got most of the wording from another knottie's bio and did a little editing and used my own design. But of course, I never wrote down their name!


Taxi Cab Cards

I found this brilliant idea on knottie "krhagen"'s bio and LOVED it! I am a big advocate for not drinking and driving, so when I saw this I HAD to do them! I just used my own design.

Card placed at each table setting

Water Bottle Labels

I love how these turned out!! I already have the bottles wrapped and ready to go! Since we're in Florida, I used Zephyrhills water bottles!


I made these using Vista Print's rack cards. I hope these come out as nice as I'm thinking they will!

Menu at the place settings

Car Mirror Hanger

Another krhagen idea! These will be hole punched at the top and ribbon used to make them hang. They will be attached to the car mirrors of our guests! Such a cute idea!

Bridesmaid's Day Out Invites

Reserved Seat Signs

Place Cards

Wedding Day Note To FI

Table Numbers

I named each table after a Disney couple.  These weren't really what I was envisioning for my table numbers, but these were one of the very last projects I had to finish just a few days prior to the wedding and I was completely running out of time, patience, and energy. If I had more time, I would have found a way for them to be a tad less cartoony. But in the end, I'm okay with em.

The Wedding Weekend Timeline

I printed these front to back so everyone in the wedding party would hopefully know where to be and when during the wedding weekend. I used Disney icons and such and my wedding colors. This one is the one I made for the bridesmaids, but I also made one more specific for the groomsmen...and with a little bit less girly of Disney icons. LOL