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Historic Dubsdread

This place is amazing! The venue is beautiful and peaceful and the banquet hall was gorgeous!! The ladies at the Dubsdread were so helpful to me ALL year long and made me feel like I was a close friend even though we only met face to face a handful of times at most! They take care of EVERYTHING. I brought in all my boxes of decorations, including stuff I had no idea what to do with, and they made the place look GORGEOUS with all of it! They handled all my vendors on the day of…I never even saw most of the vendors, just the wonderful and amazing results of their work because the Dubsdread took care of everything! Amazing isn’t strong enough of a word to describe them! Apparently there was a tiny glitch in the delivery of my wedding cake, but I never knew! They did everything to make sure I was completely unaware of any glitches! They took care of it all and everything turned out so perfect! Had my MOH not told me days later about any tiny glitches that had happened, I never would have known! It was wonderful and stress free! I can’t possibly recommend this place enough! Oh, and the food was delicious! Even better than we had at our tasting!! And to top it all off, I love Diet Mt. Dew and they don't normally serve that, but they brought in Diet Mt. Dew specifically for myself and my groom to have all night long!

Jessica Leigh Photography

Jessica is awesome! She took some absolutely beautiful shots! I want to put up every shot she took all over our house in beautiful picture frames, but I’m afraid I’ll look a tad vein if I do! LOL!! They were just wonderful! She’s so affordable but yet her work is so great she could easily get away with charging what every other photographer out there was asking for!

It's Tasty, Too (Heather)

Our cake was beautiful!! Even with our Disney theme, she still made our cake look beautiful and lovely…not childish at all, which was a fear we had with having a Disney theme! LOL And it was yummy!! Our favorite layer was the red velvet with cream cheese, then the banana cake with fudge filling, and then we also had the pistachio cake with coconut filling, which was also good, but I have a very strong sweet tooth, so it wasn’t as rich as the other layers for me, but that’s good, because I wanted there to be a less rich layer for those of my guests without as strong of a sweet tooth as I have!

Premier DJ Entertainment

Carl was wonderful to work with! Very patient with all of the questions I had for him, and believe me, there were a LOT of questions! He did a wonderful job playing our music for both the ceremony and the reception and was sure to cover any songs we had requested, and made sure he had the exact versions of each song we had asked for (for ex: I wanted Christmas Canon, not just Pachelbel Canon in D). Our only suggestion for him would be to help teach the guests any group dances they might not be familiar with. We had songs like the Cha Cha Slide, for example, that was so much fun to dance to, but only a couple guests new the steps. It would have been helpful if he had helped show the guests the steps. But other than that, I highly recommend him! He’s very professional and friendly and very happy to do whatever he needs to to make your wedding day music just what you hope for! He was also wonderful about keeping in contact with us. He never took long to respond to any of our emails! That was REALLY nice!
Us with Carl Valdivia

Sheridan Flowers (Carolyn)

Carolyn is a sweet little lady who just seems to love to do flowers for the sake of doing flowers! Her prices were riduculously affordable. Easily less than ½ the cost of what other florists were going to charge me! I was really nervous that my flowers might not be that great because they were way too affordable! But I took a chance, since a friend of mine had just used Carolyn for her own wedding and strongly recommended her! My flowers turned out lovely and full! She was so sweet to talk to on the phone and in person and took in all of my ideas and helped me come up with a design I might like, since I am very much NOT a flower person at all! She used all of the pendants I brought her for each of my girl’s flowers and the specific ribbons I wanted and the flowers came out gorgeous! I loved them! And I don’t even like flowers! LOL!! I strongly strongly recommend checking her out if you are looking for an affordable place to get lovely flowers at! (Note: when visiting her shop, try not to be turned off by the appearance of the shop and location…her work is lovely even though her shop is not! LOL)

Box Office Hair
B+ to an A

They were so fun to work with! They did beautifully on my makeup! I love how my makeup turned out that day! Just the right amount of pop without being over or under done! My hair style was gorgeous! LOVED it!! The only issues I had was that my hair didn’t stay well the entire time. But that may have been because I was wearing my veil, which was hot and making me sweat a bit. So it may have caused my hair to fall a bit. But even still, I felt like a beauty all day long and night long!! It was a very fun atmosphere in their salon and they have very skilled stylists there who made my girls and my mom look amazing!!! (Their hair stayed perfect the entire time, that’s why I honestly think wearing my veil the entire time may have caused my problems with my style not holding the whole time, since the veil had me sweating. But again, I felt gorgeous the entire day and night!)

Limo Service (need to find out their company name)

My dad decided at the last minute (like 2 days before the wedding) that he wanted me and my girls to all have a ride on the day of, not just be driving around in a regular car. So he surprised me with a limo!!! He had the limo scheduled for us all day long to take my girls and I from my house to our hair & makeup appointment, then to the Dubsdread, and then had it scheduled to take my hubby and I to our honeymoon suite out at Disney!! The limo was AMAZING!! It was so much fun I cannot even explain! I had such a wonderful time with my girls and my mom before the wedding, riding around in this HUGE limo! They finished off a whole bottle of champagne on the drive to get our hair done! It really made for a bonding moment that whole drive there with my girls and my mom! After the wedding, we decided at the last minute to pile as many people as we could into the limo and go for a drive around town for about 30 minutes and then we were going to drop everyone back off at their cars and head off to our honeymoon suite out at Disney!! Well everyone was having SO much fun that my dad ended up telling the driver to take us ALL out to the honeymoon suite! LOL!! That was the best time of the entire wedding! We laughed, it was loud and fun, the limo stopped for alcohol for the group, and we ended up making what was going to be a 30 minute quick drive around with everyone into an evening worth of WAY too much fun!! I have no idea just how many people we stuffed in there, but it was the most fun I think I’ve ever had! Everyone was relaxed and having a great time!!!  And because of a huge group coming with us to drop us off at our honeymoon suite, we got pictures of my hubby carrying me across the threshold, which turned out to be my favorite pictures of the entire wedding day and night!  I STRONGLY recommend getting a limo to anyone considering it!! I didn’t even consider getting one because I thought that was a waste of money, but with my dad surprising me with that, it was the highlight of the entire day!! The ONLY complaint I had was that our limo driver was pretty late to pick us up in the morning for our hair appointment. He apparently got a little lost and couldn’t figure out how to get to my house. So we ended up about 20-30 minutes off schedule…which in the end cut into some photo time. So in that regard, I was not happy, and since it ended up affecting our photo time, that’s why I rate them at a B-, but with every single thing else, it built so many funny and memorable moments that I can’t complain about that for long!

Betty's Beautiful Linens (Betty)

My reception hall looked beautiful!! She did a wonderful job with our linens! However, I did have an issue with contacting her. I was very confused on how things worked with this company, as I thought I had to contact them to get questions answered, but I guess I was supposed to go through the Dubsdread to get all of that taken care of? Which was fine, I’m happy to work with Dubsdread instead, but I didn’t know that at first and was trying to contact BBL myself to ask questions. They almost never answered their phones or returned my calls and wouldn’t respond to most of my emails. I found this very rude and unprofessional. Even if I wasn’t contacting who I should have been, they could have simply let me know rather than ignore my calls and emails. In the end, they did a beautiful job, so that’s why I give them a B-, but their communications with customers left something to be desired.

Alfred Angelos
Altamonte Springs

I LOVE my dress!! It was originally around $800+, which was out of my price range I had specified for myself and I expressed that concern to them and they dropped the price by about $300, putting it RIGHT into my price range!!! They were wonderful to work with for getting my dress, my girl’s dresses, and my mom’s dress! Everyone looked amazing!! All the girls picked out their own style in the colors I asked for and each of them looked outstanding! I strongly recommend AA!!

MW Tux
Altamonte Springs Mall

MW Tux did have beautiful suits and all of the guys looked great in the end, however we did have some issues with them. The very first time we went to the store to look at tuxes, the associate there was very unhelpful and seemed almost put off by us being there. He eventually warmed up, maybe once he realized we were serious about finding tuxes? Also, on the day of the wedding, one of our groomsmen realized his vest wasn't the right size. It wasn't the right size by a LOT. He was our biggest groomsmen (around 6'4") and they gave him a vest I honestly thought might have been intended for my 7-year-old nephew. Granted, it appears our groomsman didn't take the time to try on his entire tux when he picked it up, that was still a huge error in sizing. It wasn't just off a little bit. So as I said, in the end, the guys looked great and I honestly just found our one groomsman with the tiny vest to be comical and it had me laughing hysterically when I saw the pictures, but I can imagine it could freak out other brides. So make sure your guys try on those tuxes when they pick them up! (Also, some friends of ours got married 2 months before us and also had used MW Tux. They too had issues with the sizing of their tuxes, but luckily had enough time to fix it, if I remember correctly.)

Lee Forrest Designs

We searched everywhere for an arbor we liked. I wasn't that crazy about the rounded arches, I preferred the more square to rectangular ones, but I couldn't find them anywhere! Finally I found Lee Forrest! He set up the arch for us, decorated it for us even with our own decorations, and also brought in stanchions for our aisleway that he rented from another vendor friend of his! He did an awesome job and was still willing to work with us even though our budget was really small!

The Seamstress (Judy)
Winter Park

Judy made me feel like I was working with someone who really just knew their stuff right from the getgo. There was no wondering if she might mess anything up or if she really knew what I wanted. I just knew she had it all under control and I didn’t worry about my dress one bit! That was NICE! She did a BEAUTIFUL job on my dress! She hemmed the bottom, which involved removing lacing and replacing it, took in the bodice to fit great, and created a gorgeous bustle! The only thing I wasn’t prepared for was the price tag, I’m afraid! But apparently my dress required a lot of work hemming it up at the bottom because of having to remove and readd the lacing all along the bottom, which I believe is what ran up the cost so much. But she did a beautiful job on my dress and my mom’s dress, which also had a small train to be bustled! I definitely recommend her!
My bustle

Tagas Entertainment

They worked with us to find a price that worked better for us, so that I really appreciated! We got the video in and LOVE the results and they gave us 3 copies of our DVD! They managed to include every song that was important to me that day (ceremony song, 1st dance song, father/daughter dance, anniversary dance, etc). The video was fun and we love it! The only complaint we have is that there definitely were some times when it got blurry. We assume this had something to do with it being dark in the reception hall, but there were definitely times that you couldn’t make out people’s faces while they were speaking on the microphone. Other than moments here and there of that, the video was great and SO much fun to watch!!